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Don t do anything, let me phone the Poison Control Centre 4 Feb 2023 12027 12649 Rate this Faceless Pin It Share this Faceless: facebook twitter digg email web email Previous Comments:
visit the www.faceless.co.za website now - buy the books today - available in ebook and print - share the links with your mates - visit the www.faceless.co.za website now - buy the books today - available in ebook and print - share the links with your mates - visit the www.faceless.co.za website now - buy the books today - available in ebook and print - share the links with your mates - Don't do anything, let me phone the Poison Control Centre Good evening, this is the PCC, all our calls are recorded for your safety, how can I help you? My husband swallowed a paracetamol capsule by mistake, what should I do? Give him a headache immediately, don't waste good medication